Thursday, October 16, 2008

I can't wait!!

Woo Hoo!! On Saturday, I am going to a reunion with some of my favorite folks on earth!! All my little (and older) brothers! As most of you know, I grew up as the only girl at Camp Tonkawa. It is located near Abilene State Park, and my dad was the Camp Ranger. (Boy Scout camp) My little 'brother' Jerry decided it was time for all of us to get together...been about 30 years since we have all seen each other.

During the 70's we had a blast each summer. I just 'got through' the school year, but 'lived for' camp. These guys probably knew me better than anyone I went to school with. I have stayed in touch with a lot of them, even worked in the same office with one, when I lived in Lubbock. No, never dated any of them. (knew them too well, they knew me too well)

So the reunion is almost here, and I am SOOOO excited!! We are bringing photos of our family, photos from our old times, and will just hang out at the park and get to know each other again. And of course, we will have to go into the Gap to the'beer garden' and have some fish....just like old times.

So, look for the pics next week right here!!

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