Monday, June 16, 2008

There is FINALLY a diagnosis!!

Thomas has ulcerative colitis. After swallowing the camera, it showed several more ulcers in his ilium. He is now on Crohn's meds, in hopes that it will heal the ulcers and the bleeding will stop. Then, he goes back in August to see how things are going.
Thanks for your has been a long time coming...since March when I first took him in to see our family doctor.

And Thomas starts his new job at Best Buy tomorrow. Luke has gone down to Guadalupe State Park with two of his friends camping this week. I am continuing to work at AISD Instructional Technology, for the summer, teaching teachers! This is a great change of pace, and I am really enjoying it. I told one of the IT's to put me down for whatever they need me to teach....ended up with 36 half day classes! But I have enjoyed most of them. I have to admit, teaching how to analyze TAKS data is not the most exciting class I have ever taught, however. The webpages, phones, LoTi lessons, are much more fun!! And it is fun seeing teachers around the district that I don't get to see during the year.