Okay, here it is....
Four years ago, I decided to take classes from UNT to work on my Tech Apps and Master Technology Teacher certifications. I took 9 hours in the summer, 6 in the fall, took the exams (spent about $5000) and received my certifications.
I've been the Tech Liaison for Clack for the last three years, as well as teaching numerous classes for the Instructional Technology Department of AISD. In fact, I probably ended up teaching over 30 classes last summer. I wanted to work quite a few, to help pay for my son's college costs, but each time someone couldn't teach, they asked me, and said yes.
Looking back I was probably 'overworking' for one reason and one reason only. I wanted to be an Instructional Technologist for AISD. And I was basically told I would be, as soon as there was an opening.
Last May, our 'Head IT' retired and the middle school IT was moved into the head position. I contacted our CTO (Chief Technology Officer) for AISD and asked to interview for the IT position. It was the Middle School Instructional Technologist position, so I felt I was suited for it...besides the fact that there are only two Master Tech Teachers in AISD...Paula Waddle (one of the elementary ITs) and myself. I just knew I was a 'shoe-in' for it. It was just a matter of time until it happened...The Chief Tech Officer said they were not replacing the middle school position, the high school IT would just be stretched very thin. But that I was 'not forgotten'.
I understood all this. I was fine with it. I continued to think...my time is still coming.
Boy, was I wrong. God had different plans.
I walked into our Tech Liaison meeting last Monday. We received a new department flowchart, and in looking over it, my friend, Laura, pointed to the IT portion and said, "who is this?" Imagine how I felt when I realized that there was a new IT on the flowchart...and it wasn't me. I left the room to have some "Jesus time", came back in about 20 minutes, and continued the meeting. Before that meeting, at 3:00, the high school IT called and asked me to throw something together for the 3:45 meeting about the new CPS Chalkboards we were given. (and, yes, I said I would do it.) So, here I was, devastated, disappointed, yet, I had to pull it together and teach a portion of the liaison meeting. Only by the grace of God, did I make it. Being blindsided certainly requires you to rest in his hands.
I left after the meeting, immediately. Went home, changed clothes and 'me and Jesus' went for a run at Redbud Park. By the time I finished my two miles, I was at peace, content and resting in the love of my Lord. Thus, my previous post.
Sometimes what we consider our dream, is not what is in God's plans. I realize that now. God is good, and He has helped me see how much I am enjoying this year as a regular ed English teacher.
Since the meeting I have heard from the high school IT, the "Head IT" and the CTO. They think I should work for them either in the summer, teaching again...or as a Tech Apps teacher next fall....but ya know what??? God has told me something different. He has told me that I need to forgive, forget, but I shouldn't be a doormat. So, my answer to all these folks, is NO...and it will continue to be NO.
This year, working with the other 7th grade ELA teachers has been amazing. They are helpful, never tiring of my incessant questions, (or at least they don't tell me!!) And I am loving it!! Even on my worst (behavior) day, it is tremendously better than working in Special Ed with all the drama.....
My mom put it best, "Maybe God wants you to have the summer off!" Ya know, I think she is right!!
So, now you know....God answers prayers, not in the way we expect, but in the best possible way for US!!